Conversion of Octal,Hexadecimal to Binary


The conversion of a number from octal and hexadecimal to binary uses the inverse of the steps defined for the conversion of binary to octal and hexadecimal.

The Steps for Octal to Binary Conversion are—

1.        Convert each octal number into a three-digit binary number.
2.        The result is the number formed by the combination of all the bits.

The Steps for Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion are—

1.        Convert each hexadecimal number into a four-digit binary number.
2.        The result is the number formed by the combination of all the bits.

Example 1: Convert the hexadecimal number 2BA3 to binary.

1.        Given number is 2BA3
2.        Convert each hexadecimal digit into four digit binary number.

3.        Combine all the bits to get the result 0010101110100011.

Example 2: Convert the octal number 473 to binary.

1.        Given number is 473
2.        Convert each octal digit into three digit binary number.

3.        Combine all the bits to get the result 100111011.


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